
      Buy tickets
      About PEM

      This is your museum. Welcome!

      Museums offer us an environment in which people, ideas, life experiences and feelings can come together across time, place and cultures. We seek out art and creative expression to feel grounded, to feel awe and to question and understand who we are and who we can become through our shared humanity.

      It is a tremendous honor to lead PEM, an organization whose focus on creativity, cultural understanding and innovation is more relevant and needed than ever. This is a pivotal moment for museums to stimulate conversation and connection with empathy, courage and credibility. I invite you to explore our complex, rapidly changing world through the power of the arts and cultural expression.

      I look forward to seeing you in the galleries — or at a virtual event — soon!

      Lynda Roscoe Hartigan Signature
      Lynda Roscoe Hartigan

      Lynda Roscoe Hartigan

      The Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo
      Executive Director and CEO

      Latest from the director

      Lynda Roscoe Hartigan

      Further reading

      Inside the country's oldest still-operating museum
      Fireside Chats: Episode 3

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Fireside Chats with Lynda Roscoe Hartigan: Episode 3
      Fireside Chats: Episode 2

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Fireside Chats with Lynda Roscoe Hartigan: Episode 2
      Fireside Chats with Lynda Roscoe Hartigan

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Fireside Chats with Lynda Roscoe Hartigan
      Tour PEM in an hour

      New audio tour

      PEM in an Hour
      Miranda Massie

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Miranda Massie
      Lynda Roscoe Hartigan

      Further reading

      Guiding a Human-centered vision
      Bernie Krause

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Bernie Krause and Hervé Chandès
      Cannupa Hanksa Luger and Marie Watt

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Cannupa Hanksa Luger and Marie Watt
      Oleksandra Kovalchuk

      Director's Dialogue Series

      Oleksandra Kovalchuk
      Lynda Roscoe Hartigan


      A word with PEM Director Lynda Roscoe Hartigan
      View of East India Marine Hall


      Drawn to Place: PEMcast 28

      Mission, Vision & Values

      PEM’s mission is to celebrate outstanding artistic and cultural creativity by collecting, stewarding and interpreting objects of art and culture in ways that increase knowledge, enrich the spirit, engage the mind and stimulate the senses.

      Museum History

      The roots of our museum date to the 1799 founding of the East India Marine Society, an organization of Salem ship captains and supercargoes.

      Leadership at PEM

      Meet and read about PEM’s executive team and view the museum’s list of Trustees and Board of Advisors.


      Read and learn about the curators who oversee PEM’s collections.


      Be a part of our shared community