
      Buy tickets

      Past Exhibition

      Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums

      On view September 14, 2024 to February 2, 2025

      Today's hours:



      10 am–5 pm






      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm






      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm


      10 am–5 pm

      The human desire to connect with the departed has given rise to a fascination with the supernatural and the magical.

      Explore the essential role art and objects played for mediums and magicians “communicating” with the dead during the 19th- and 20th-century Spiritualism movement in the U.S. and Europe — a time when people actively debated and wondered, "can spirits return?" See paintings, posters, photographs, stage apparatuses, costumes, film, publications and other objects that will transport visitors to the age of Harry Houdini, Margery the Medium, Howard Thurston, and the Fox Sisters, among others. Whether you’re a believer, skeptic or somewhere in between, gain a new perspective on the timeless draw of mediums and magicians, séances and magic shows.

      Follow along on social media using #ConjuringatPEM

      Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums is organized by the Peabody Essex Museum. This exhibition is made possible by Carolyn and Peter S. Lynch and The Lynch Foundation and Furthermore: a program of the J.M. Kaplan Fund. We thank Jennifer and Andrew Borggaard, James B. and Mary Lou Hawkes, Chip and Susan Robie, and Timothy T. Hilton as supporters of the Exhibition Innovation Fund. We also recognize the generosity of the East India Marine Associates of the Peabody Essex Museum.

      Furthermore logo

      The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art | March 15–July 13, 2025

      TOP IMAGE: The Otis Lithograph Company, Cleveland, Thurston The Great Magician — The Wonder Show of the Earth — Do the Spirits Come Back?, (detail) 1929, Lithograph. Peabody Essex Museum, museum purchase, 2023.14.1. Photo by Kathy Tarantola/PEM.

      Time to explore: Plan for at least 1 hour for this gallery space

      Artist in the United States, Ava Muntell - The Woman with a Million Eyes, early 20th century. Hand-painted photo collage. Collection of Tony Oursler. Photo courtesy of Oursler Studio.

      Artist in the United States, Ava Muntell - The Woman with a Million Eyes, early 20th century. Hand-painted photo collage. Collection of Tony Oursler. Photo courtesy of Oursler Studio.

      Artist in the United States, Do spirits return?, 1926. Lithograph. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington D.C. POS -MAG - .H68, no. 4.

      Artist in the United States, Do spirits return?, 1926. Lithograph. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington D.C. POS -MAG - .H68, no. 4.

      Thomas Martin Easterly, Kate and Maggie Fox, Rochester Mediums, 1852. Daguerreotype. Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. N17196.

      Thomas Martin Easterly, Kate and Maggie Fox, Rochester Mediums, 1852. Daguerreotype. Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. N17196.

      Eugène Thiébault, Spectres Robin, 1863. Albumen print. Collection of Tony Oursler. Photo courtesy of Oursler Studio.

      Eugène Thiébault, Spectres Robin, 1863. Albumen print. Collection of Tony Oursler. Photo courtesy of Oursler Studio.

      Thayer Magic Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles, Dr. Q spirit hand, about 1930. Wood, paint, lace and felt. Museum purchase, by exchange. 2022.29.2. Peabody Essex Museum. Photo by Kathy Tarantola/PEM.

      Thayer Magic Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles, Dr. Q spirit hand, about 1930. Wood, paint, lace and felt. Museum purchase, by exchange. 2022.29.2. Peabody Essex Museum. Photo by Kathy Tarantola/PEM.

      Calhoun Print Company, Hartford, Miss Baldwin, a Modern Witch of Endor, about 1890. Lithograph. McCord Stewart Museum, Montreal, purchase, funds graciously donated by La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso. M2014.128.29.

      Calhoun Print Company, Hartford, Miss Baldwin, a Modern Witch of Endor, about 1890. Lithograph. McCord Stewart Museum, Montreal, purchase, funds graciously donated by La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso. M2014.128.29.

      Curator interview

      Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums

      Wonderful exhibition full of treasures. This gives us such a broad and insightful view of why and how spiritualism became so popular.
      Favorite exhibit so far. Interactive parts are so fun!
      Incredible conjunction of where neuroscience meets spiritualism.

      Events that may interest you

      ECOC Lecture

      Thoreau and the Birds of Concord

      Friday, April 4, 2025 from 7:45-9 pm

      PEM Reads:

      Donna Walker-Kuhne: Champions for the Arts

      Sunday, April 6, 2025 from 2-4 pm

      Virtual event

      PEM Reads: Moby-Dick Read-a-Thon

      Wednesday, April 16, 2025 from 6:30—8 pm

      In-person event

      Music in the Atrium: Celebrate Mother Earth with Johnny Fireseed

      Sundays 11:30 am-1:30 pm | April 13, 20 and 27

      Keep exploring

      Mediums, Magicians, Makers and the Objects Used to Conjure Spirits


      PEMcast 37: Conjuring the Spirit World

      35 Min Listen


      PEMcast 37: Conjuring the Spirit World

      35 Min Listen

      Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums

      Press Release

      New PEM exhibition explores our enduring fascination with the supernatural

      Press Release

      New PEM exhibition explores our enduring fascination with the supernatural

      The Salem Witch Trials 1692


      The Salem Witch Trials 1692



      The Salem Witch Trials 1692


      Maritime Art


      Maritime Art



      Maritime Art


      American Art


      American Art


      American Art

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      Powerful Figures



      Powerful Figures
