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      Virtual Art Activities

      Explore our video playlist of craft project tutorials.

      Our drop-in art activities are also translated in Spanish.

      Clay pinch pots

      Clay pinch pots

      Collage Characters

      Collage characters

      Found Materials Weaving

      Found materials weaving

      Mini Kites

      Mini kites

      Moonwalk model

      Moonwalk model

      Oil and water painting

      Oil and water painting

      Plastic bottle chandelier

      Plastic bottle chandelier

      Recyclable collages

      Recyclable collage

      Scribble drawings

      Scribble drawings

      Shadow Drawing

      Shadow drawing in nature



      Arbor Day tube trees

      Arbor Day tube trees

      Eco Printing

      Eco Printing

      Polar bear puppets

      Polar bear puppets

      Breath Pastel Circles

      Breath pastel circles

      Projection Drawings

      Projection drawings

      Paper lanterns

      Paper lanterns

      Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Dream world collage

      Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Dream world collage

      Mathematical Roulette

      Mathematical Roulette

      Clay nature reliefs

      Clay nature reliefs

      Mother's Day bouquet

      Mother's Day bouquet

      Egg Carton Birdnoculars

      Egg Carton Birdnoculars

      Paint pour galaxy paintings

      Paint pour galaxy paintings

      Moss Graffiti

      Moss Graffiti

      Bubble bottle

      Bubble bottle

      Nature Mosaics

      Nature Mosaics

      Map making

      Map making

      Water Monoprinting

      Water Monoprinting

      Summer mobile

      Summer mobile

      Bird finger painting

      Bird finger painting

      Paper clay making

      Paper clay making

      Tissue paper painting

      Tissue paper painting

      Papier Mâché Harvest Shakers

      Papier Mâché Harvest Shakers

      Leaf Prints

      Leaf Prints

      Fall lanterns

      Fall lanterns

      Spooky silhouettes

      Spooky silhouettes

      Leaf Ornaments

      Leaf ornaments

      Watercolor spiderwebs

      Watercolor spiderwebs

      Sleepy sock critters

      Sleepy sock critters

      Sustainable statement pieces

      Sustainable statement pieces

      Birdseed pinecones

      Birdseed pinecones

      Shrink Plastic snowflake keychains/earrings

      Shrink Plastic snowflake keychains/earrings

      Pigeon Masks

      Pigeon Masks

      Spider Webs

      Spider Webs

      Handprint Birds

      Handprint Birds

      Recycled Tide Pool Critters

      Recycled Tide Pool Critters

      Eagle Shadow Puppet

      Eagle Shadow Puppet

      Paper Picnic

      Paper Picnic

      Pride Bunting

      Pride Bunting

      Create a Fish Puppet

      Create a Fish Puppet

      Make a Milk Jug Elephant

      Make a Milk Jug Elephant

      Print with natural materials

      Print with Recycled & Natural Materials

      Egg Carton Ladybugs

      Egg Carton Ladybugs

      Drawn to Nature

      Drawn to Nature

      Planetary Spinning Tops

      Planetary Spinning Tops

      Cotton Swab Tree Painting

      Cotton Swab Tree Painting

      Knitted Snakes

      Knitted Snakes

      Firefly Lanterns

      Firefly Lanterns

      Dyed Fabric Flowers

      Dyed Fabric Flowers

      Caddisfly Cuff

      Caddisfly Cuff

      Mandala Stones

      Mandala Stones

      Nature Zentangle

      Nature Zentangle

      Rising Rivers

      Rising Rivers

      Sensory ocean bottles

      Sensory ocean bottles