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      Virtual Art Activities

      Dyed Fabric Flowers

      We can observe many different color combinations in the flowers in our yards, gardens, and parks. Did you know that just like we inherit our eye color from our parents, flowers inherit their petal colors? In this art-making project, we will use an old white T-shirt to explore some of the principles of color theory through the dying and creation of beautiful fabric flowers.

      • Markers
      • White T-shirt
      • Nail polish remover or isopropyl alcohol
      • Paper towels
      • Scissors
      • Hot glue or craft glue


      Step 1: Prepare your supplies. Place your fabric on a flat surface and smooth out any wrinkles for easier color application. Collect your markers. TIP: Putting a piece of cardboard under your fabric makes color application easier and helps prevent unwanted stains.

      Step 2: Select the colors you want to blend on your fabric. When selecting colors to mix, refer to the color wheel. You want to avoid putting contrasting colors next to each other because this will result in muddy colors.

      Step 3: Begin dying your fabric with markers. Once you select the colors you want to mix, begin dying a large strip of your fabric in patches of color. You want to dye an area of fabric that is at least 3 inches wide and 8 inches long. When dying, you can overlap your colors or just place them next to each other.

      Step 4: Blend your colors. Once you have finished dying, it is time to apply the alcohol. Ball up a piece of paper towel and saturate it with the alcohol. Start dabbing your dyed fabric with the soaked paper towel. You will begin to see your colors mingle with one another, similar to tie-dying. Repeat this soaking and dabbing process until the dye on your fabric is blended to your satisfaction.

      Step 5: Cut out and shape your flower petals. Cut out the long strip of dyed fabric. Cut the long sides of your fabric strip to whatever shape you want the flower petals to be. Fold your fabric in half the long way so that your shaped petal sides meet.

      Step 6: Gather up and glue your flower. Gather the folded side of your fabric strips using an accordion-like fold that you can then bunch together. With your flower folded and bunched in your hand, glue the end. TIP: If you are using craft glue you will need an elastic or string to keep your gather together until the glue is dry.

      To watch this process visit

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      We want to see your dyed fabric flowers. Share your photos online using #PEMpod or #peabodyessex