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      Virtual Art Activities

      Make a Milk Jug Elephant

      Did you know elephants are the largest land animals? They can grow to over 9 feet tall and weigh almost 17,000 pounds! In addition to being so big, elephants have some pretty neat defining features. With their large ears they can hear each other from miles away. The sounds they use to communicate across these distances are too low in frequency for human ears to hear. Their trunks are strong enough to move a fallen tree and gentle enough to paint on an easel. Create an elephant from a milk jug that won’t be too big to fit in your home with you.

      • Milk or juice jug with handle and cap (from your recycling bin)
      • Craft knife and an adult to help
      • Scissors
      • Glue
      • Marker
      • Paint (optional)

      Step 1: Ask an adult to cut off the bottom of the jug for you. Cut the jug just below the handle and also where the handle attaches to the base of the jug. This is going to be the elephant’s trunk.

      Step 2: Cut semi circles out of the side of the jug to turn the corners of the jug into legs. When you’re done cutting, you will have three legs. If you cut a slit in the back leg it will become two hind legs.

      Step 3: Use the semi circles from cutting the legs -- or extra pieces from the other half of the jug — to create the elephant’s ears. These can be glued in place under the cap. The cap is now a little hat for your pachyderm friend!

      Step 4: Paint, draw, or glue details onto your elephant. A thin scrap of plastic can be used to make a tail. Be creative, your elephant can be as intricate as you like.

      To watch this process visit

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