
      On Sat., Feb. 15, the museum will be closed for a ticketed event from 10 am–1 pm and open for general admission from 1–5 pm. Learn more at

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      Legacy Giving

      Nathaniel Bowditch Society Members Listing

      The Peabody Essex Museum gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and families who have made a legacy gift or bequest to support our future

      Estate of Helen Alconis
      Carl* and Iris Barrel Apfel
      Priscilla Archibald*
      Barry and Sarita Ashar Trust
      B. Devereux Barker III*
      Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Barton
      Mr. and Mrs. John Basler
      Jeffrey P. Beale
      Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Beatty
      Judy and Leonard* Berkal
      Mr.* and Mrs.* Ben Beyea
      Dr. Alan Bezan*
      Bruce Bolen
      Sharon D. Bonner
      Nathaniel H. and Susan W. Bowditch
      J. David* and Barbara Broudo
      Dorothy A. Brown*
      Judge Thaddeus Buczko
      Elisabeth Shrigley Bundy*
      Madelon and Ken Bures
      Mr. Stafford Campbell*
      Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Carlson
      Fay Martin Chandler*
      Dean Forrester Cobos and
      Nancy B. Cobos
      Harold and Virginia Cogger
      Lawrence Coolidge
      Mr.* and Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr.
      John Curuby
      Mary E. Darmstaetter
      Mr.* and Mrs. David Dearborn
      Mr. David M. d’Entremont
      Herold F. Doherty Trust
      Nannette L. Dumas
      Tom and Denise Eagan
      Estate of Adele Q. Ervin
      Ms. Geleta Fenton
      Kristine Fisher and Richard Crangle
      Dr.* and Mrs.* H.A. Crosby Forbes
      Merry Glosband
      Mr. David R. Godine
      Richard J. Gordon
      Ms. Elizabeth G. Gray
      Henry E. Haley*
      Estate of Ruth L. Harris
      Carter H. and Sallie B.* Harrison
      Mr.* and Mrs. Theodore T. Haskell
      Terry* and Eva Herndon
      Carla and David Herwitz
      Richard* and Polly* Hill
      Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph Hinkle
      Mrs. Dana Ward Hoskins
      Mr. Alexander R. Ingraham
      Joanie V. Ingraham
      Martha W. Ingraham Trust
      Mr. Al Richard Ireton*
      The Kaufman and Rubin Family
      Mary S. Kingsbery
      Estate of Russell W. and Martha T. Knight
      George Lewis*
      Jonathan B. Loring
      Elizabeth Cabot Lyman
      Carolyn* and Peter Lynch
      Mr. and Mrs. Jacek Makowski
      Estate of Commander Francis H. Markey
      Estate of Thomas D. McKiernan
      Mr. Walter C. Meibaum
      Christina H. Nelson
      Joan Goldhammer-O'Neil*
      Christa and David Pannorfi
      Mr.* and Mrs. John O. Parker
      James Duncan Phillips Trust
      Susanne LaC. Phippen*
      Mr.* and Mrs.* Charles W. Pingree
      Nancy* and George* Putnam
      Frederic M.* and Sarah W.* Richards
      Sheila Robbins
      Theodore and Caroline Robbins
      Donald Guy Ross
      Estate of Mr. William L. Saltonstall
      A. Varela Santos
      Mr.* and Mrs.* Frederic Milton Sargent Jr.
      Barbara and Michael Schaefer
      Anne* and Peter* Seamans
      Mr. Robert N. Shapiro
      Minerva C. Shreve*
      Susan P. Sloan
      Derek A. Smith* and Rebecca Oldfield Smith
      Dennis E. Stark Charitable Foundation
      David A. Stevens and Marjorie Albright
      Estates of Evelyn and Edward Stickney
      Thomas A. Stone and Valerie M. Warrior
      Mr.* and Mrs.* Henry S. Streeter
      Dr. William E. Strole Jr.
      William E. Teel*
      Mr. and Mrs. David L. Thomas
      Mr. and Mrs.* Samuel Thorne
      Paul L. Tringoson Trust
      Patricia B. Tudbury Trust
      Mr. and Mrs. James Vaccarino
      Estate of Richard Wheatland
      Mr. Kemble Widmer II and Ms. Betsy Garrett Widmer
      Dorothy Anne Wilson Trust
      Joe and Barbara Younger

      * Deceased

      Listing as of January, 2024.
      Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in recognizing donors.

      For more information about the Nathaniel Bowditch Society and how you can support the museum through a legacy gift such as a bequest or life income gift, please contact us at